Our tablet components used for producing high quality stable hypochlrous acid water are safe & environmentally friendly, and our production method promotes sustanability.
Making pure & stable hypochlorous acid water with patented formula in Japan, China, Hong Kong, and patent pending with USA.
Latest News
from Star Products Co., Ltd., Hong Kong and Crown Company Limited , Japan
Adult Mask - ASTM Level 2
June 10, 2020
Kashikoina brand will be the first mask with level 2 quality made in Hong Kong. It will be sold online through our affiliate company www.baobae.com
Children Mask - ASTM Level 2
June 20, 2020
Kashikoina brand to produce level 2 quality mask for children. The children mask will be marketed online via our affiliate company www.baobae.com
Patent No. 6986797
December 2, 2021
Our HCLO Patent & Technology
Despite hypochlorous acid (HCLO) having all the characteristics of being a superior disinfectant for bacteria and viruses, it has not been so popular for general use, because it was difficult to produce, unstable, and hard to store.
Our patented technology has resolved all the known drawbacks of HCLO. Our process can produce pure and stable HCLO water, safely, easily, with prolonged storage life. Furthermore, the ingredients are natural.
Our technology is registered in Japan on December 2, 2021 under Patent No. 6986797. We are currently patent pending with the rest of the World, and are protected under International Patent Cooperation Treaty.